Become a Circle Leader
Are you ready to achieve your dreams for a better life?
Have you lived in poverty long enough?
Will you commit to work on your goals?
A Circle Leader is a person currently earning below 200% of the federal poverty level and committed to improving their quality of life through livable wage employment and self-sufficiency.
As a Circle Leader, you’ll
Attend weekly gatherings with dinner and childcare provided
Gain time management skills
Learn budgeting basics
Be exposed to job opportunities
Improve your communication skills
Have two caring Allies to guide you on your journey
Receive support from staff who are devoted to your well-being
Make a two-year commitment to complete the Circles program
In addition to wanting to achieve their goals of moving out of poverty, applicants should have stable housing and home environment, reliable employment even if underemployed, and be clean/sober for at least six months.
Circles Ashland is not for those who are currently in a crisis or domestic abuse situation; we do not offer emergency or crisis programming. If this is you, please visit our Community Partners page for local resources.
Lastly, applicants should desire not only to make change in their own lives, but to be a leader within our community.
Accepted Circle Leaders begin the program with a 12-week training before starting the 18-month weekly program.
Meetings are held on Thursdays from 5:30PM-7:30PM at Duncan Memorial United Methodist Church, 201 Henry Street, Ashland, Virginia.
Is Circles Ashland the next step for you? Apply to join our 2025 Circles Cohort.
Tim D says,